Prime Minister Stefan Yanev meets Vietnam’s Vice President Vo Thi Anh Xuan


Bulgaria-Vietnam bilateral relations develop increasingly and there is potential for deepening. Both countries will gain if opportunities are explored to expand the areas of traditional interest for economic cooperation. This was stated by Prime Minister Stefan Yanev when he met the Vice President of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam Vo Thi Anh Xuan.


During their discussion in the Prime Minister’s Office emphasis was placed on the opportunities to promote trade relations between Bulgaria and Vietnam and bilateral business contacts which will have a favorable impact on investment. In response to the interest expressed by the Vietnamese side regarding Bulgaria’s capacity to produce raw material from the food industry, a desire was expressed at the meeting to exchange experience in this field and to explore new opportunities for cooperation.


The discussion singled out education and culture as key areas where Bulgaria and Vietnam have the potential to deepen their partnership. In the context of the 70th anniversary of the establishment of bilateral diplomatic relations celebrated last year, emphasis was placed on the importance of man-to-man contacts alike. Prominence was given to the friendship between the two nations and the mutual respect that have an eventful history of more than seventy years.


Prime Minister Stefan Yanev welcomed the founding agreements that had been concluded over the past few years between the European Union and Vietnam, including agreements in the field of investment and trade, which make Vietnam a paragon for the development of EU relations with the countries of Southeast Asia. Bulgaria’s Prime Minister highlighted the benefits that the EU-ASEAN cooperation could offer to Bulgaria and Vietnam. Mr. Yanev said firmly that in addition, Bulgaria-Vietnam top-level bilateral contacts should continue to be as active so that the two countries might reap, to the fullest extent, the benefits of their deepening cooperation.