Prime Minister Acad. Nikolai Denkov: Prevention of illegal migration is a priority for Bulgaria


Prevention of illegal migration has always been a focus for the country. Therefore, Bulgaria welcomes all innovative solutions of the European Union to that effect. That was the key message delivered by Prime Minister Acad. Nikolai Denkov who joined a video conferencing discussion on the problems of migration along with 12 Prime Ministers of EU member states. The purpose of the meeting was to facilitate the coordination of positions on migration before the European Council meeting on 29-30 June 2023.


Academician Denkov emphasized Bulgaria’s willingness to support any proposal that would effectively ease the task of the frontline countries of which Bulgaria is one. “We must be proactive and make sure that the member states that are exposed to a risk of migration pressure will receive timely support as commensurate with their needs,” Bulgaria’s Prime Minister said.


Academician Denkov recalled that a joint Bulgaria-EU pilot project was launched last March to strengthen border control and to prevent illegal crossings of the EU external border in the Bulgarian territory.


All who attended the meeting voiced a desire to find lasting solutions for migration management at EU level. At the upcoming European Council meeting, they will stress the need for a clearly structured approach to the matter, both in organizational and financial aspects.