
At any moment the Bulgarian Presidency will be able to respond to the challenges faced by Europe. This was stated by Prime Minister Boyko Borissov at a joint press conference with the President of the European Parliament Antonio Tajani.


Tajani, the Chairpersons of the parliamentary groups in the EP and MEPs are on a working visit to Bulgaria, which is a traditional practice prior to the start of every presidency of the Council of the EU. During the meeting with the Bulgarian government, described by MEPs as very fruitful and with a detailed debate, the following topics were discussed: the visions on the protection of the external borders, migration, the fight against terrorism, and economic growth with an emphasis on digitalization and greener economy.


Prime Minister Borissov expressed his conviction that, with the support of the European Parliament, the Bulgarian Presidency will be successful. He emphasized that the Presidency is a huge opportunity for Bulgaria and expressed confidence that a considerable progress in the EU enlargement process will be achieved. “We do not punch above our waist. We want to provide a perspective not to the political elites on the Balkans, but to young people. The easiest way to do this is by improving the infrastructure that ensures connectivity,” pointed out the Bulgarian Prime Minister.


At the joint press conference, Antonio Tajani said that the European Parliament is ready to work actively with the Bulgarian government on all issues of key importance to Europe. On the main priority – the European integration of the countries of the Western Balkans, Tajani underlined the commitment of the Parliament to the EU accession of the countries from the region. “The Bulgarian Presidency and the Prime Minister of Bulgaria can be very useful for us for the achievement of the significant goals of this strategy, because Boyko Borissov and his government know well the situation on the Balkans, they have a strong sensitivity, they are aware that the region can be an asset to the entire EU. The knowledge of the Bulgarian Prime Minister can be very helpful and if we want to achieve the serious goals that we have set for ourselves we must utilize the Bulgarian knowledge,” added the European Parliament President.


Boyko Borissov and Antonio Tajani agreed that a more active policy of European leaders on the international stage is needed and finding solutions to issues of global importance should not happen without the EU. “Europe must have its foreign policy, it must speak with one voice,” the European Parliament President was categorical.


Antonio Tajani thanked Prime Minister Borissov for the friendly welcome and pointed out that the hospitality of Sofia made him feel at home. “Big agreements are reached only when there are close personal relations. Thanks to those we have built a cooperation that will be of benefit to all European citizens,” said the EP President.