
We are stronger together because we create such economic prospects for the region that the rest of the colleagues from the Western Balkans will have an invested interest in this, said Prime Minister Boyko Borissov at a briefing after the meeting in Thessaloniki with his Greek counterpart Alexis Tsipras and the Serbian President Alexander Vucic. According to Borissov the region has huge prospects in the field of tourism, energy, and natural resources. He put a special emphasis on the importance of railroads and transport corridors that connect the countries. “The model of former Yugoslavia should not be replicated. By contrast, each Balkan country should have direct access to any other Balkan state,” added Borissov.

The Prime Minister pointed out the need to give a European perspective to the Western Balkans and shared his optimism about the meeting of the leaders of the Berlin Process in Trieste, whereby a clear commitment to the issue was stated. “Alexis and I promised that we will do the maximum that depends on our two countries in order for our friends from Serbia to take their rightful place. We do not insist on knowing the year but especially the young generations should have a perspective so that politicians can do everything that is required from them to secure prosperity for their peoples,” said Borissov and added that it is important that there is a perspective and hope in the people so they do not leave their region.

The Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras also defined today’s trilateral meeting as exceptionally important for the region. “The risk of destabilization due to ethnic and political confrontations, the risk of increasing Islamism, the consequences of the migration flows are problems and we all want to work in dialogue for the peace and stability on the Balkans,” highlighted Tsipras.  He expressed support for the European perspective of Serbia and pointed out the willingness of the Serbian state to fulfill all conditions. According to the Greek Prime Minister, Europe’s security depends on the Balkans and said that the European Commission appreciates the Serbian efforts in this direction. The Greek Prime Minister also pointed out that the dialogue on infrastructural and energy projects among the three states continues to develop further.

Prime Minister Alexander Vucic thanked for the support for Serbia on its European path. He expressed the readiness of his country to participate in projects of economic interest for the region.