

The Western Balkan countries should resolve their problems before the summit in May in Sofia to gain a European perspective, Prime Minister Boyko Borissov said in Skopje. Together with European Council President Donald Tusk, the Bulgarian Prime Minister was a special guest at the meeting of the leaders of the Brdo-Brioni Process.


"I hope that noone's egoism will prevail because it will stop the whole process of European prospects," Borissov said, and urged the presidents of Kosovo and Serbia to solve the problems between the two countries. He gave an example of the restored communication between the DPRK and the Republic of Korea. "On May 16 and 17, the EU wants to see us, and if we do not take advantage of it, we must be angry with ourselves," Borissov said. The Prime Minister added that Bulgaria has fulfilled its promise, bringing the topic of the Western Balkans on top of the agenda of EU member states and ensuring opportunities for hybrid financing of infrastructure projects in the region. "Slovenia, Croatia, Bulgaria, and Romania are helping, but the political elite of the Western Balkan countries must solve their problems," he said, and once again urged people living in the region and their leaders not to be misled by populists and nationalists. Prime Minister Borissov voiced hope that Greece and the Republic of Macedonia will find a compromise on the name of the former Yugoslav country.


European Council President Donald Tusk also called for dialogue and compromise between countries in the region. "The impossible can be made possible, but it depends on the people," he said, adding that the fate of South East Europe is important to the fate of the whole continent. "We have a firm commitment to the countries in the region, to providing them with a European perspective. You have the full support of the EU. We will continue the talks on connectivity in Sofia," said the President of the European Council. "I am cautiously optimistic now, and I believe that the Balkan history, considered so far horror film, can now become a movie with a happy end," Tusk pointed out.


The President of Macedonia Gjorge Ivanov noted that the upcoming summit of the EU and the Western Balkans is very important for the country and stressed the significant role of Bulgaria for its realization. "We need to integrate exonomicly into the EU and I hope to receive EU's support in doing so", said President Ivanov.