
The cooperation with the European Anti-Fraud Office is of utmost importance for Bulgaria, pointed out Prime Minister Boyko Borissov during his meeting with the Director General of OLAF Ville Itälä in the Council of Ministers. This is the first official visit of Itälä in Bulgaria since the start of his mandate in August last year. The Director General of OLAF shared, that he is impressed by the achievements of the Bulgarian government in the fight against smuggling and congratulated Prime Minister Borissov. Itälä expressed his hope, that the the excellent cooperation between the Bulgarian services and OLAF will continue in the future.  


Prime Minister Boyko Borissov pointed out that he is certain that the current visit will be beneficial and will give Ville Itälä the opportunity to get to know in detail the work of the Bulgarian partners of OLAF. Borissov highlighted the constructive interaction between Bulgaria and the European Anti-Fraud Office. Of course, in every partnership there is always a potential for improvement and better results, indicated the prime minister. According to him, opportunities and concrete actions in this direction can be sought. Borissov paid special attention to the significance of active exchange of operational information.


Prime Minister Borissov put an accent on the new Anti-Fraud Strategy, which was adopted by the European Commission at the end of April. The Bulgarian Prime Minister expressed his hope that the strategy will significantly contribute for the improvement of the current system for prevention, detection and sanction of frauds regarding the budget of the EU. Borissov pointed out that the main aspects of the updated strategy will taken into account on a national level as well.


The Bulgarian Prime Minister added that our state is implementing its National Strategy for Prevention and Fight Against Irregularities and Fraud for the period 2014 – 2020, with a new document to be developed for the period 2021-2027. An annual action plan to implement this strategy is being followed and it aims to improve prevention, increase the effectiveness in detecting and counteracting the irregularities and fraud, and strengthen the cooperation with the competent institutions in the field. Another aim is increasing the effectiveness of investigation, recovery and sanctions. Borissov also added that our state is fully implementing its obligations to report irregularities regarding European funds and programmes. A regulatory basis has been established, guaranteeing that any information, giving rise to suspicion for an irregularity, is checked and taken into account.


During the conversation, Prime Minister Borissov pointed out that Bulgaria consistently supports the proposals to strengthen OLAF’s capacity and create a regulatory framework for effective cooperation between the European Public Prosecutor’s Office and the European Anti-Fraud Office. Borissov reminded that the examination of this topic started precisely during the Bulgarian Presidency of the Council of the EU. According to Prime Minister Borissov, it is very important to finalize the work on the amendment of Regulation 883/2013, which concerns exactly the investigations carried out by the OLAF.