Bulgaria and Slovenia to cooperate in nuclear power


Slovenia is about to increase its nuclear power potential and is willing to learn from Bulgaria which is well ahead of it in its plans to expand the Kozloduy Nuclear Power Plant (NPP). It was at a bilateral meeting within the Bled Strategic Forum in Slovenia that today Prime Minister Acad. Nikolai Denkov offered to his counterpart Robert Golob that Slovenia should engage with the project for the new reactors in Kozloduy either as a buyer of energy or as an investor. “We are tying this project to a long-term energy demand forecast between now and 2050 at least. This shows that the two new reactors, combined with the extension of the operational life of the existing ones, will be enough to provide baseload power until we decide how to develop our energy from midcentury onwards,” Bulgaria’s Prime Minister explained.

Also, Bulgaria stands ready to help Slovenia in the training of professionals in this field. 

Slovenia shows interest in cooperation with Bulgaria in the military industry, inter alia, as it is already developing anti-drone systems and working to expand the market for such articles. Prime Minister Acad. Nikolai Denkov expressed willingness to establish contacts with Bulgarian enterprises in this and in related sectors.

Slovenia’s Prime Minister again vowed full support for the accession of Bulgaria and Romania to the Schengen Area. In his view, the two countries’ membership will strengthen the European Union.

Within the Bled Strategic Forum Bulgaria’s Prime Minister held bilateral meetings with his counterpart from Kosovo Albin Kurti and with Svetlana Tikhanovskaya, leader of the Byelorussian opposition in exile.