
Prime Minister Borissov is one of our closest friends in Europe and I have respect for what he and his government have achieved in recent years." This was stated by Alexander Dobrindt, Chairman of the Group of the Christian Social Union (CSU) in the German Bundestag, during a joint press conference with Prime Minister Boyko Borissov. The Bulgarian Prime Minister is in Berlin on the invitation of Dobrindt and is a guest of honor at the meeting of the Group of the Christian Social Union.


Our economic relations are extremely close, both between Germany and Bulgaria, and between Bavaria and Bulgaria," Alexander Dobrindt said during the press conference. He noted that our country is developing successfully, especially in the financial sphere. "Economic growth is raising the standard of living and the trade balance is becoming more and more impressive. Currently, Germany imports more from Bulgaria than it exports to Bulgaria, "the chairman of the Group of the Christian Social Union (CSU) further specified. Dobrindt expressed his gratitude to the Bulgarian state for continuing to ensure the protection of the European Union's external border. "I want to thank Bulgaria for complying with EU rules in a fair way to guarantee the protection of the external border with the help of Frontex," Alexander Dobrindt explained. He noted that there has been noticeable progress on two important issues for Bulgaria - the Schengen area and the Eurozone. "I cannot ensure a time schedule, but we are following the issues with care and we have a positive attitude, taking into account the achievements of Bulgaria in the areas of finance and the rule of law," added the chairman of the Group of the Christian Social Union.


Prime Minister Boyko Borissov thanked Alexander Dobrindt for his kind words, saying that this assessment was also important for investors. "For German investors, it would be good for Bulgaria to join the waiting room of the Eurozone, because this guarantees even more investments," Prime Minister Borissov said. As for Schengen, the Prime Minister pointed out that we are currently using the Schengen system in the fight against terrorism, smuggling, drug trafficking, and proliferation. "We have 100% exchange with all German and European offices," Boyko Borissov said, adding that our agreement with Turkey is working. The Prime Minister reminded that next year Bulgaria, together with the Republic of North Macedonia, will chair the Summit of the Berlin Process Initiative, which is an exceptional sign. He said it was important for the Balkans to become an attractive part of Europe.


On the subject of Brexit, Prime Minister Boyko Borissov said that many concessions have been made, but to date the situation is similar to what it was three years ago. "I'm part of the councils, and a few years ago, when Brexit started, I said it wouldn’t do well. A week ago I also spoke with Boris Johnson. He has great interests for Europe and the UK, a great economy, millions of people working on both sides," the Bulgarian Prime Minister noted.


Responding to a question of a journalist, Alexander Dobrindt noted that locating a large automobile factory in Bulgaria by a German manufacturer is in debate. "We are all aware that this is an economic issue, it is an economic decision that politics cannot interfere with it. On the other hand, we are aware that politics sets the political framework, and our meeting is in this context, "said the chairman of the Group of the Christian Social Union.