Borislav Gutsanov - Minister of Labor and Social Policy

Graduate of the Nikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy (NVNA), Varna, and of the Rakovski National Defense College, Sofia. Doctor’s Degree in military and political problems of security (2021, National Defense College, Sofia).

Ex chair of the Varna Municipal Council. Chair of the Managing Board of the National Association of Chairmen of the Municipal Councils in the Republic of Bulgaria.

Member of Parliament from the Bulgarian Socialist Party (BSP) (2013-2014 and since 2021--).

42nd National Assembly: Chair of the Standing Committee for Regional Policy and Local Self-Government.

47th National Assembly: Chair of the Standing Committee for Transport and Communications.

50th National Assembly: Chair of the Parliamentary Group BSP for Bulgaria.

51st National Assembly (present): Co-chair of the Parliamentary Group BSP-United Left.