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At the meeting of the Coordination Centre for Relations with the Bulgarians in Ukraine, Deputy Prime Minister Valeri Simeonov assured the representatives of the Bulgarian communities in Ukraine that they have not and will never be forgotten by the Bulgarian state.


The chair of the meeting Petar Haralampiev, President of the State Agency for Bulgarians Abroad, presented the priorities of the Bulgarian government related to the support and relations with the historical Bulgarian communities abroad and especially in Ukraine. At the meeting were also present Anton Kisse – President of the Association of Bulgarians in Ukraine and member of the Ukrainian Rada, as well as ministers, deputy ministers, and representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Interior, the Ministry of Education and Science, the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy, the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works, the Ministry of Justice, the State Agency for National Security, the State Agency for Refugees, members of parliament from the Committee on Policies for Bulgarians Abroad.


Concrete issues and measures were discussed, including good practices for ensuring employment. The alleviation of the procedures for workers from third countries in respect to seasonal employment for up to 90 days was noted. It was emphasized that there has been cooperation with employers for ensuring qualified labor force from the Bulgarian historical communities abroad and solutions for making less burdensome the procedures for receiving permanent residence in Bulgaria, as well as that the hot line and e-mail have been actively used, which will be utilized by the Bulgarian historical communities in Ukraine for submitting signals on a broad range of issues.


The President of the State Agency for Bulgarians Abroad drew special attention to the issues concerning the alleviation of the regimes and financial requirements for Bulgarians from the historical communities in Ukraine when applying to Bulgarian higher education institutions. The Deputy Prime Minister Valeri Simeonov made a personal commitment to control the alleviation of the administrative procedures and to expand the capacity of the respective institutions so as to allow for the Bulgarians from Ukraine to receive adequate and rapid service.