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The government allocates BGN 100 million to renovate student hostels


The government allocates BGN 100 million to renovate student hostels. Prime Minister Acad. Nikolai Denkov announced the news to the media in Primorsko. Last night the Prime Minister specified the new amounts of student scholarships from 1 October 2023 onwards. The minimum will go up by 41% to become BGN 120 and the maximum – by 11% to become BGN 200. The one-off award for excellence becomes BGN 400.


Acad. Nikolai Denkov stated that the government allocates BGN 12 million for the fencing and improvement of three student campuses in the Student Village in Sofia. “By our Education Program we continue to finance student internships that are seen as extremely useful for students for this is how they meet employers directly,” the Prime Minister said further.


Concerning the accident in Sofia in which a drunk driver killed a boy on a crosswalk, the Prime Minister said firmly that the traffic police would continue its intensive inspections. He recalled amendments intended against lawbreakers on the road. “We must understand that such conduct kills our children. This is the direct purpose of the amendments passed,” Acad. Nikolai Denkov said.


“I don’t have any mentors, so maybe this is the President’s problem for he is not my mentor either.” This was the Prime Minister’s answer to the President’s recurring comment about him. The Prime Minister emphasized that the institutions should stick to their powers as laid down in the Constitution and the laws.