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The Prime Minister: We have a clear plan for Bulgaria’s full integration into the European and Euro-Atlantic structures


We have a clear and concrete plan for Bulgaria’s full integration into the European and Euro-Atlantic structures. To maintain Bulgaria’s development as a normal European country, the cabinet keeps this focus in all its moves, including important actions such as Schengen, the Eurozone and OECD membership (the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development). This is also our priority in cooperation with key countries such as the USA, said Prime Minister Acad. Nikolai Denkov at a business breakfast with the AmCham (the American Chamber of Commerce in Bulgaria).


We take a pragmatic and systematic approach to the achievement of our main goal, the Prime Minister emphasized. He highlighted the government’s efforts to effect changes that have been overdue for years. “We are aware how difficult it is. But a great majority in the National Assembly and, I would say a great majority of the Bulgarian people supports our common goal and this makes me feel confident that we can achieve this common goal,” the Prime Minister said. In Acad. Denkov’s opinion, the cabinet is far more stable than the media portray it before the local elections.


The Prime Minister gave special attention to cooperation within the European Union as well as to the strategic dialog with the USA. This year Sofia and Washington mark the 120th anniversary of diplomatic relations.