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Romania speeds up Rousse-Giurgiu ferry link


Romania will speed up work on the Rousse-Giurgiu ferry link. The commitment was made by our northern neighbor during today’s visit of Prime Minister Acad. Nikolai Denkov to Bucharest. The reopening of the transport route across the river Danube will enable the two countries to facilitate the brisk two-way traffic.

Bulgaria’s Prime Minister and his Romanian counterpart Ion-Marcel Ciolaku agreed that the ferry link would go into operation as soon as possible while they did not fix a specific date. Bulgaria has already done all preparatory work for the project to go ahead whereas Romania is about to put some finishing touches.

The construction of a second Rousse-Giurgiu Bridge is another important priority for both countries. “For quite a long time, it is for the first time that Romania maintains a clear and firm position that welcomes a faster schedule for the bridge construction,” Acad. Denkov said.

There exist various funding options for this project. Bulgaria and Romania will draw up a joint project with which they will request funding under the joint program of the EU and NATO for military mobility. “The bridge is, inter alia, part of the logistics dimension for the defense of the eastern flank of NATO. Therefore, we have every reason together to speed up the process of planning, development and completion of the bridge as soon as possible,” Bulgaria’s Prime Minister explained. Other sources of funding will be sought such as: projects financed by the European Commission; private public partnerships; contribution from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), which is showing interest.