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Prime Minister Yanev to firefighters: Your doings to help people and save nature deserve deep gratitude


“We thank you for what you do for the people. Your doings deserve deep gratitude.” Thus Prime Minister Stefan Yanev addressed the firefighters engaged to bring under control the wildfires in Blagoevgrad Region and in the Republic of North Macedonia. In Gabrovo, a village in Blagoevgrad Region, the Prime Minister praised the brave boys and girls for their humaneness, solidarity and dedication. The Prime Minister stressed the importance of the mission of the servicemen from the Fire Safety and Civil Protection General Directorate with the Ministry of Interior, of the military from the Bulgarian Army, of the staff of the forest estates and of the volunteers who joined to bring the firestorm under control.  “These are doings that deserve deep gratitude. I am confident that all your contribution will be highly appreciated by both the Bulgarian citizens and the citizens of the Republic of North Macedonia,” the Prime Minister said further.


In reply to media questions about the national budget update, Prime Minister Stefan Yanev was firm that the caretaker government had met its commitment to act on this issue that is crucial to the nation and that responsibility now lies with the National Assembly. “It is the duty of the Members of Parliament to debate and to decide to what an extent this draft budget update is adequate or to revise it as they wish and move forward. The regular procedure is followed. Ultimately, the responsibility for the decision and its burden are to be shouldered by the National Assembly,” the Prime Minister stressed. He underlined the importance of updating the budget for the continuation of the Government’s financial support to medics, businesses and people. Stefan Yanev expressed confidence that the political parties are aware of their responsibility and that they will find a way to meet their commitment so that the Government could have the resource needed to respond to the challenges facing the country.


Regarding the increased migration pressure on Europe, Prime Minister Stefan Yanev noted that the Bulgarian authorities are closely monitoring the situation in Afghanistan and have already seen to the logistics to strengthen the border defense. In the morning today the Prime Minister met border police officers from Petrich vicinity and was apprised of an increase of the number of migrants who illicitly cross the national border. “The political parties are aware of the need to strengthen the efforts, including an additional budget to the agencies that are directly in charge,” said Prime Minister Stefan Yanev. He stated that Bulgaria, in coordination with its European partners, is ready to assist in the possible evacuation of 11 Bulgarian nationals working in Afghanistan.