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Prime Minister Stefan Yanev meets French Ambassador Florence Robine


The promotion of active dialog and cooperation in all areas of mutual interest were discussed at the meeting of the Prime Minister Stefan Yanev and the Ambassador of the French Republic to Bulgaria Her Excellency Mrs. Florence Robine.


Bulgaria’s Prime Minister Stefan Yanev stressed that France is a strategic partner and ally and gave attention to the key importance of bilateral relations and to the good cooperation within the EU and NATO.


Ambassador Robine highly appreciated the caretaker government’s performance with an emphasis on the cabinet’s rapid progress towards the achievement of its key priorities.


Prime Minister Stefan Yanev confirmed the substantial efforts made to prepare the upcoming elections in a way to guarantee that they would be fair and transparent. Bulgaria’s Prime Minister availed of the opportunity to thank for the cooperation on the part of the French authorities for a smooth election process in the territory of France. In addition, Mr. Yanev noted the intensive work done to enable the national agenda issues to materialize in the context of the European agenda.


Vis-à-vis the European agenda, the Prime Minister and the Ambassador discussed matters pertaining to social cohesion and the transition to a climate-neutral society.


Special attention was devoted to the Recovery and Resilience Plan (RRP). Concerning it, Bulgaria’s Prime Minister noted our two-pronged national effort with a focus on the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) to boost development that boasts high quality and efficiency and that, subsequently, is expected to have a relevant positive social impact.  With regard to this, the country is revising its national RRP philosophy in coordination with the European Commission and is including projects that will contribute to an economy with high value added.


Social problems are likewise an important priority in relation to the decarbonization and the Green Deal commitments. It was emphasized that Bulgaria faces a number of challenges in this context as many Bulgarian families earn their living owing to the coal-fired power plants. In this aspect, Bulgaria will do what is needed to protect the interests of its citizens who work in these sectors. Specific programs and measures are planned to that effect to ensure the smooth transition and transformation of the respective power plants while the possible social negative impacts are minimized.


Further issues discussed during the meeting were the prospects for more efficient cooperation in the energy sector and defense industry, science and education, culture and art.


Also emphasis was placed on the forthcoming French Presidency of the Council of the European Union in 2022 and on the opportunities for fruitful cooperation and support in a number of formats in the context of the preparation of the Presidency.