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Prime Minister Kiril Petkov: European partners are convinced that it is for the first time they witness real determination to fight corruption in Bulgaria


Today Prime Minister Kiril Petkov took part in a meeting in Brussels of the Democracy, Rule of Law and Fundamental Rights Monitoring Group (DRFMG) with the European Parliament's Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE). The meeting was attended by Minister of Justice Nadezhda Yordanova and Minister of Culture Atanas Atanasov.


The Prime Minister informed the group about the government’s priorities concerning the fight against corruption and the rule of law. Kiril Petkov reaffirmed his cabinet’s determination to carry out the reforms in these areas in a transparent way while their results are visible and swift.


The cabinet’s aim is to effect the reform of the Judiciary in a way that will abolish the practice of having “untouchables”. This will be done to meet the European partners’ expectations and for the sake of the Bulgarian citizens’ interest. After the meeting, the Prime Minister told the Bulgarian journalists that he was full of optimism because our European partners are convinced that the Bulgarian cabinet has the will to do away with corruption.


The Prime Minister said that the European partners cannot be deceived about the quality of justice in our country. Therefore, the cabinet will make every effort to reform the public prosecution. Kiril Petkov stressed that currently, as everyone can see clearly, the prosecutors’ offices are malfunctioning. Also, the Prime Minister announced that a small number people but who wield great influence are behind the corruption schemes in Bulgaria. However, a lot of work will be needed and ample evidence will have to be gathered for verdicts of conviction to be pronounced.