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Prime Minister Galab Donev meets WHO Regional Director for Europe Dr. Hans Kluge


Prime Minister Galab Donev met with Dr. Hans Kluge, Regional Director for Europe of the World Health Organization (WHO). They shared opinion on current healthcare issues in the European region and confirmed that cooperation between Bulgaria and the WHO is excellent. Prime Minister Galab Donev highly appreciated the WHO’s efforts to meet health challenges in the region in the increasingly complicated situation arising from the military operations in Ukraine and the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.


In addition, the Prime Minister recognized the activity of WHO Regional Office for Europe (WHO/Europe) to strengthen health security in the European region and to support the countries of the Western Balkans.


At the meeting, Prime Minister Galab Donev and WHO Regional Director for Europe Dr. Hans Kluge shared their concern about the challenges facing health security in the region in consequence of the military conflict in Ukraine and the refugee crisis in Europe. The Bulgarian Prime Minister was firm that it is necessary to ensure that humanitarian workers and medics have unrestricted access to the people who are injured or in need.


“The refugee crisis that has been provoked by the military conflict in Ukraine appears to be a grave challenge for the countries in the region, Bulgaria being one of them, that host migrants. All the refugees in Bulgaria who have obtained the status of temporary protection are entitled to healthcare service, employment, education, accommodation and social assistance on a par with the Bulgarian citizens,” the Prime Minister stressed.


Galab Donev pointed out that immediately after the outbreak of the military action in Ukraine Bulgaria provided medicines and medical consumables in an emergency order as humanitarian aid to show solidarity with the people in need.


Bulgaria’s application to be a member of the WHO Executive Board was another high point on the discussion agenda of Bulgaria’s Prime Minister and the WHO Regional Director for Europe. They agreed that Bulgaria’s future membership in 2023 could contribute to deeper and more productive cooperation in the field of healthcare.