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Prime Minister Acad. Nikolai Denkov to Wolfgang Sobotka: Austria stands to gain if Bulgaria and Romania are members of Schengen


Austria and the Netherlands stand to gain if Bulgaria and Romania become members of Schengen. These were the words of welcome of Prime Minister Acad. Nikolai Denkov to Wolfgang Sobotka, President of the Austrian National Council with whom he met in the Council of Ministers building.


The European Union can control the migrant crisis only if it realizes that all member states together must protect its external borders. Apart from financing, this involves equipment, logistics and human resource reinforcement. “This is exactly why we have asked border patrol officers from Austria, the Netherlands and other European countries to come to our external borders,” the Prime Minister noted. “With joint efforts, we must fight against the traffickers in migrants. These traffickers are part of a strong international network whose organizers and sponsors are in Europe,” the Prime Minister said further.


“Schengen and Dublin are not working,” Wolfgang Sobotka stressed. He voiced Austria’s concerns about the migrant wave that sweeps his country and gave a concrete example: “Vienna is the third largest ‘Serbian’ city after Belgrade and Novi Sad” and there are still many migrants of various nationalities in the country.


Acad. Nikolai Denkov assured of his willingness to meet with Austrian Members of Parliament in the course of his upcoming visit to Vienna on 24 October.