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President Zelenskyy thanks Bulgaria for its support for Ukraine


“I thank Bulgaria for supporting and protecting the lives of our people! I thank the Prime Minister, the Deputy Prime Minister, the entire government and the National Assembly!” With these words, the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy addressed Bulgaria’s Prime Minister, Acad. Nikolai Denkov today. President Zelenskyy is on a one-day visit to Sofia at the invitation of the Prime Minister.

“Invaders have invaded our land; they kill, torture, kidnap Ukrainian children whom they lead away from their families and try to instill hatred in them,” the guest said further. “This is happening at a time when we need to be united and build a rules-based international order. Anyone who wants peace for themselves and their people should be aware that unity is the right path,” Ukraine’s President said.

He specially thanked for the military assistance to Ukraine and emphasized that it is for defensive, not offensive ends. “Every country has the right to defend itself. Everyone has the right to protect their children,” Zelenskyy pointed out while the decision to help another country is Bulgaria’s sovereign choice.

Prime Minister Acad. Nikolai Denkov expressed his and the Bulgarian government’s solidarity with Ukraine’s struggle against the military aggression of the Russian Federation. “Bulgaria offers consistent support for Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity as we are convinced that an independent and sovereign Ukraine is a key for Euro-Atlantic security,” the Prime Minister underscored. “Bulgaria cannot gaze indifferently at the suffering of millions of people just a few hundred kilometers away from our borders,” he said further. 

The guarantee of the rights of the Bulgarian national minority in Ukraine remains a steady priority for Bulgaria. Acad. Nikolai Denkov expressed his hope that the legitimate interests of the Bulgarians in Ukraine will be duly recognized in the reform process, including in the development of the overall legal frame regarding the protection of the rights of national minorities in Ukraine.


Bulgaria and Ukraine agreed to intensify their cooperation in the defense sector. The two leaders discussed the next package of military aid for the Ukrainian army. Bulgaria will continue to support Ukraine in several other areas: healthcare, education, environment and energy. “We will continue our discussion about the medical treatment of Ukrainian soldiers in Bulgaria and the training of Ukrainian medics in Bulgaria,” President Zelenskyy said.


Bulgaria pledged to contribute to the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine with expertise and resources for the energy and transport infrastructure. Bulgarian companies are capable to help in the restoration and conservation of damaged cultural monuments in Ukraine.


President Zelenskyy and Prime Minister Acad. Denkov signed a bilateral political declaration on the Euro-Atlantic integration of Ukraine as soon as conditions allow for it. “We know from our own experience the transformative power of membership in strong organizations such as the European Union and NATO. The enlargement process must move at a pace with the reform process in the candidate country,” Bulgaria’s Prime Minister said as he promised support to prepare Ukraine for its accession to the EU and the alliance.


Bulgaria and Ukraine will strengthen their cooperation in the energy sector alike on a win-win basis and with recognition of the two countries’ shared interests and objectives. Today the two countries’ Energy Ministers signed a Memorandum of Understanding. The MoU expresses the willingness of the two signatories to exchange scientific, technological, engineering and operational experience in the more efficient use of renewable energy sources and new energy technologies.


Later in the day, Prime Minister Acad. Nikolai Denkov and Deputy Prime Minister Mariya Gabriel hosted a discussion attended by President Zelenskyy, ambassadors, politicians, volunteers and civil society activists.