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Prime Minister Theresa May confirmed to Prime Minister Boyko Borissov that the tooic of the Balkans will not disappear from the UK agenda. At a meeting today, they discussed European countries' support for regional connectivity, security cooperation and counteracting terrorism.


Britain understands the importance of the Western Balkans and welcomes the issue of connectivity as the focus of efforts by the European countries, Theresa May said. She underlined the role of Prime Minister Borissov and the Bulgarian Presidency in drawing the EU's attention to the link between the development of the region and stability in Europe. The British Prime Minister has pointed out that, despite Brexit, London's commitment to the Western Balkan countries will remain and will continue to build upon what has already been achieved. Next month, the British capital will welcome the leaders of the countries from the Berlin Process to discuss various aspects of security, May said. "For us the stability and security of the Balkans is very important. By working together, we will do much more, and holding these two high-level events - in Sofia and London - shows that we are capable of doing it," Teresa May said.


Prime Minister Borissov pointed out that, as a country from the region and at the same time a part of the European Union, Bulgaria will continue to support the development of the Western Balkan countries and the establishment of good neighborly relations between them. "This is the right way, and your commitment to the topic, as well as the positions of my colleagues in the European Council, give me more confidence that we will be able to make the process irreversible," the Prime Minister said.


During the bilateral meeting the excellent cooperation between Bulgaria and the United Kingdom in the field of security was noted. "Obviously we are leaving the EU, but not Europe. We will work for the security of Europe as a whole. This is one of the areas in which we are committed to preserving and developing cooperation with our partners," the British Prime Minister said. She thanked for Prime Minister Borissov's personal commitment to the excellent bilateral relations in this area. Prime Minister Borissov pointed out that joint work should continue, especially in counteracting terrorism and organized crime. "I do not think anyone in Europe doubts that we need to be even more cohesive with the UK in this respect," the Bulgarian Prime Minister said.

Borissov also pointed out that the EU should pay more attention to the protection of the external borders. According to him, with more political will, much greater efficiency can be achieved with the huge funds allocated to tackling the migration issue that would bring unquestionable results that will be felt by European citizens.