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Prime Minister Boyko Borissov held a meeting with the Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. The two of them spoke in the framework of the First Caspian Economic Forum, which is being hosted by Turkmenistan. The Bulgarian Prime Minister pointed out the significance of the high-level dialogue and expressed his satisfaction, that after the official visit of Medvedev in Bulgaria in March, the conversation about the possibilities for pragmatic and mutually beneficial cooperation is continuing now.  


Prime Minister Borissov put an emphasis on the interest of our state to have an equal and mutually beneficial bilateral political dialogue with the Russian Federation, in which we are to be guided by our national interests and at the same time to adhere to the common policy of the EU and NATO member states.


Prime Minister Borissov stressed on our desire to continue to develop the cooperation with Russia on Bulgaria’s priority issues in the economy, energy, tourism, transport, education, science and culture, social politics.  


On the topic about energy, which was one of the highlights of the talks in “Avaza,” Prime Minister Borissov noted that Bulgaria pursues a policy aimed at ensuring energy security for both our state and the EU. The Bulgarian Prime Minister also pointed out that the diversification is an important element in ensuring the security of gas supplies in the EU and added that Bulgaria is actively working on projects related to the gas interconnection with neighboring states. Prime Minister Borissov paid special attention to the Bulgarian government’s serious work regarding the implementation of the project for the Balkan gas supply center.


The possibility of the realization of the Belene NPP project under the conditions set by the Bulgarian side was also discussed at the meeting. Applications for participation in the current procedure for selecting a strategic investor for the project will be accepted until 19 August. According to Prime Minister Borissov, the region will need generation capacity to produce clean electricity at affordable prices, taking into account the increasingly ambitious targets for reducing the levels of harmful emissions in all sectors of the economy. In this sense, Belene NPP can become such a outcry of electricity for the region.


Regarding the cooperation in the area of transport, Prime Minister Borissov pointed out our state’s interest for discussing the possibility of developing ferry connections between the port of Burgas and the Russian ports of the Caucasus and Novorossiysk for passenger ro-ro ferries.


Prime Minister Boyko Borissov expressed his satisfaction with the 16th meeting of the Bulgarian-Russian Intergovernmental Commission for Economic and Scientific, and Technological Cooperation. The Bulgarian Prime Minister expressed his expectation that the next session will take place in the near future ad will further contribute for the development o bilateral relations.