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Prime Minister Boyko Borissov had a meeting with the Secretary General of Reporters Without Borders Christophe Deloire. In the framework of the talks in the Council of Ministers, Prime Minister Borissov noted that he highly appreciates the dialogue with the non-governmental sector on such an indisputably significant topic for every democratic society as the freedom of speech. Borissov and Deloire discussed the possibilities of our state to develop its position in accordance with the Press Freedom Index, created by Reporters Without Borders.   


Prime Minister Boyko Borissov acquainted Christophe Deloire with the government's recently adopted measure guaranteeing timely and unhindered access to information in print media. This will be achieved through the state-owned company Bulgarian Posts EAD, which will distribute and sell print publications on the territory of the country. This act of the Council of Ministers will improve the current market competition and the publishers of printed works will have access to the end user with clear parameters announced in advance.


Prime Minister Borissov emphasized that due to the work of the Bulgarian European Commissioner Mariya Gabriel, our country has been actively involved for two years already in producing another group of measures concerning disinformation and fake news. According to him, the phenomenon is gaining a bigger scale and is a serious concern. "Fake news and disinformation undermine the foundations of the trust between citizens and institutions," Borissov was certain.


Prime Minister Borissov underlined the significant role of the media in contemporary society as a watchdog of governance. The prime minister noted the cabinet's desire to react in a timely manner when it is signaled in the field of activity of the government. Borissov also added that his understanding is that freedom of expression should be upheld as a fundamental constitutional right, including through respect for the journalistic profession and non-interference in the work of the media.


Prime Minister Boyko Borissov welcomed Secretary General Christophe Deloire’s desire to work together constructively in order to create a better enviroment for the media. The Prime Minister invited representatives of Reporters Without Borders to come forward with proposals for legislative changes that would guarantee the media’s independence and the right of the public to be truthfully and accurately informed.