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“Bulgaria is an attractive destination for investment and trade, and a reliable partner with a fast-growing market." This was stated by Prime Minister Boyko Borissov during his meeting with Jean Asselborn, Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Affairs, and Minister of Migration and Asylum of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.


The Bulgarian Prime Minister and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Luxembourg discussed constructive bilateral relations based on common values, on the partnership in NATO and the EU, as well as the excellent potential for their development. Borissov and Asselborn expressed a desire to activate the political dialogue at all levels on issues of common interest to both countries. Such is the case of relations regarding trade and economy with a focus on cooperation in the fields of investment, trade and tourism.


"Bulgaria offers good opportunities for strategic investments in infrastructure, energy, transport, environment, telecommunications, outsourcing, information technology, as well as in high-performance sectors of the economy, in technological and industrial parks, in innovation," Prime Minister Boyko Borissov told his guest .


The Bulgarian Prime Minister added that interest and additional opportunities for cooperation between the two countries exist in the banking and finance sectors, where Luxembourg has key experience and expertise. During his meeting with Asselborn, Prime Minister Borissov also emphasized the excellent opportunities for tourism in Bulgaria - not only seaside, but also mountains, cultural tourism, eco tourism and spa.


Prime Minister Boyko Borissov and Minister Jean Asselborn discussed current topics of the European and international agenda. The two discussed the negotiations on the Multiannual Financial Framework for 2021-2027. Prime Minister Borissov was certain that the EU needed a budget that responded to both traditional and new Community priorities. And that means an even better life for every European citizen. The meeting highlighted that the main challenges facing the EU, including demographic change, globalization of the global economy and digitization, climate change, fit into the EU's priority areas of development but require a strong community approach in order to be overcome. In this context, Prime Minister Borissov emphasized that he believes in the European perspective of the Western Balkans, whose future is an integral part of the EU.


With regards to security in the Union, Prime Minister Borissov told Minister Asselborn that Bulgaria has always insisted on a common EU migration management mechanism, with a fair balance between responsibility and solidarity. To this end, it is necessary to continue the EU's targeted cooperation with third countries, to build on existing partnerships, which will give adequate solutions to the challenges facing Europe and the world.