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“A lot of effort has been put to find compromising options and thus European economies and social systems will get support. I am an optimist because the European Union always finds the right solutions.” This is what Prime Minister Boyko Borissov said in Brussels where European Heads of State and Government agreed on the Multiannual Financial Framework and the Next Generation Recovery Package. The Prime Minister stressed the importance of support for the EU countries in view of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic that impacts extremely adversely financial and economic performance outcomes and leads to the decrease of the member states’ GDP. Mr. Borissov pointed out that currently no one is talking about a pullout from the crisis while experts expect improvement in the post mid-2021 months, providing a high vaccination rate could be achieved.

Regarding the situation in Bulgaria, the Prime Minister pointed out that the balance of measures and pressure on hospitals is being closely monitored. Further Mr. Borissov noted the great importance of the number of patients, over 3,000 already a day, who recover. “We have to be very humble”, said the Prime Minister.  As he put it, results are good this week but they don’t imply that we should be very optimistic that the pandemic will end around Christmas.

Prime Minister Boyko Borissov expressed special gratitude to the President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen for the Commission’s efforts to supply the Union with vaccines. The Prime Minister confirmed that Bulgaria had put in place the logistics and organization required to accept the first delivery. Also, Mr. Borissov noted it would be good to agree on the antigen tests, which could favor the movement of people and travels.

Climate change was another key issue that Prime Minister Borissov highlighted in the European leaders’ discussions. The Prime Minister noted the compromise reached on the ceiling of hazardous emissions across the EU that in 2030 should decrease by 55% over what they were in 1990. “This makes it possible to help additionally countries like Bulgaria,” Mr. Borissov emphasized. Further, the Prime Minister noted the compromises reached on the progress of gas and nuclear energy.

As regards external relations, Prime Minister Borissov stressed the EU’s partnership with the United States and the high hopes placed on the new US Administration, especially in the area of security, NATO and the US reentry into the Climate Accord. Vis-à-vis the Eastern Mediterranean, Mr. Borissov pointed out that being an EU member Bulgaria supports the friendly countries, Greece and Cyprus. “From now onwards, we insist that diplomatic solutions be found with Ankara,” he said. Mr. Borissov emphasized the German Presidency’s enormous efforts to work out a compromise. “Indeed, there are sanctions against individuals and companies. However, the door remains open again in the next three months,” Mr. Borissov said. Further, the Prime Minister said that he had proposed that NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg be invited to the next European Council meeting.