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“Europe is part of the DNA of Bulgaria and since day one of its accession it behaves as a founding country of the Union, while some of its founding states do not always behave this way.” With these words, European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker summarized the talks held today in Brussels between the government and the College of Commissioners, devoted to the upcoming Bulgarian Presidency.


At a joint press conference with Prime Minister Boyko Borissov and the Bulgarian European Commissioner Mariya Gabriel, Juncker pointed out that he likes the logo of the Bulgarian Presidency – “United we stand stronger” and expressed his expectation that this principle will be proven during the next six months. “Bulgaria will be the capital of Europe for the upcoming six months and this is an unique opportunity for this beautiful country, for its wonderful people to show that Bulgarians know what Europe stands for,” said the President of the Commission.


Borissov and Juncker announced that during the session discussions were held on a number of issues, but highlighted the topic of the Western Balkans and infrastructure for attaining connectivity on the continent.


“The Brexit negotiations are ahead of us. This is a rare opportunity for the Balkan peninsula to substitute for the United Kingdom that is leaving the EU. For a lot of years, this question was not put on the table,” pointed out Boyko Borissov. “If we build the railways, the roads between the capitals, this will be an opportunity for unity in the region,” he highlighted. Jean-Claude Juncker expressed his personal and the Commission’s support for the Bulgarian-Greek project for a railway connection between Thessaloniki and Ruse. “As far as our relations with Turkey are concerned, Bulgaria is a role-model for good neighborly relations,” said the Bulgarian Prime Minister and added that our country will continue to maintain the good tone of relations in this respect.


At the press conference, Jean-Claude Juncker was categorical that Bulgaria is ready for the Eurozone and Schengen and if the country applies he will support the application. He also added that the expected monitoring report for our country will be positive.


During the joint session, the questions regarding the common energy union and the gas hub “Balkan” were also debated. “There is no topic whereby we lack congruence with the representatives of the European Commission,” concluded Prime Minister Borissov.