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Deputy Prime Minister Mariya Gabriel: Education and innovation are key to meet the challenges in Bulgaria


Today Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Mariya Gabriel opened the forum “Career and Life: why in Bulgaria?” of Bulgaria Wants You. Over the years, it has become the largest career forum for Bulgarians in and outside the country. The event brought together Bulgarians who are well-known names in entrepreneurship, business and public life and who shared their personal point of view on the advantages of a career and life in Bulgaria.

“Before we get to the future, there is a need to support the people who are here now and to bring into the focus the current reality that gives prominence to the strengths and the positive examples and in this way to press for Bulgaria to become a leader in South-Eastern Europe. If I am to answer the question as to why and how a career and life in Bulgaria are to be the choice, my answer is innovations. To come to this answer, most importantly we have to support our talented people, the young people and the people with skills who change the milieu. I strongly believe that it is achievable with teamwork and consistent efforts to change the setting in which people live, businesses operate and institutions facilitate the process and help remove barriers,” Deputy Prime Minister Mariya Gabriel said.