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Croatia supports Bulgaria for accession to Schengen



I am sure that Bulgaria will soon join Schengen. This is to the benefit of the European Union. This is what the Minister of Foreign and European Affairs of Croatia Gordan Grlić Radman said to express Zagreb’s support for Bulgaria’s accession to the Schengen Area when he met Prime Minister Acad. Nikolai Denkov.


The Prime Minister noted that the abolition of border control between Bulgaria and Greece and between Bulgaria and Romania would make it possible to redirect the resource to the borders with Serbia and Türkiye where the migrant pressure is the strongest. Acad. Denkov also highlighted the economic and environmental advantages of the accession of Bulgaria and Romania to the Schengen Area.


An item of the discussion between the Prime Minister and Minister Radman was the promotion of trade between the two countries. The Croatian guest would be happy to see Croatian wine sold in Bulgarian shops and Bulgarian wine on the shelves in his country.


Improvement of connectivity and infrastructure between the countries was discussed at the meeting. The Prime Minister commented that we want to modernize the railways between Bulgaria and Croatia. In the opinion of Minister Radman, it would be beneficial to launch a regular direct flight service between the two European capital cities.


Bulgaria and Croatia can also cooperate in the energy sector. Acad. Nikolai Denkov noted that some of the major projects in the photovoltaic grid in Bulgaria are developed by Bulgarian companies.