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Cabinet aspires to second RRP disbursement by yearend


The government is making every effort to manage the delay it found in the national Recovery and Resilience Plan (RRP) so that the second disbursement becomes possible before the end of the year. Prime Minister Acad. Nikolai Denkov stated this priority goal of his cabinet when he met the President of the European Council Charles Michel and the President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen today in Brussels.


When the Prime Minister spoke to media, he pointed out that the main reason for the serious delay of the RRP is the want of a clear idea about how to meet the Commission’s requirements while the government regards the welfare and the development of the economy in the coalmining regions based on innovative technologies. Currently, the Bulgarian government is urgently writing an analysis on the matter that will be discussed with the Commission. The package of official documents will be put together within a few months to present the country’s territorial plans, the changes within the RRP and the part of the „RePowerEU“ plan, related to energy transformation. Acad. Nikolai Denkov recalled that the second RRP disbursement is tied up with a certain number of reforms and bills to be railroaded through the Parliament. Half of these reforms have not been carried out and we work to catch up, the Prime Minister stressed.


Both European leaders assured Bulgaria’s Prime Minister that Bulgaria would receive their support wherever it is needed. One proof of this, by way of example, is the sum of 45 million Euro already allocated for the protection of the external EU border between Bulgaria and Turkey. In the coming months the allocation will be spent on equipment; experts from Europe will be recruited; and a unit will be established in Bulgaria to coordinate action to counter illicit migration to the EU. This European coordinating center to be headquartered in Bulgaria will operate with a focus on countering the organized trafficking in human beings. A pilot project that was launched in March 2023 with Frontex, Europol and several European countries is also intended to strengthen border security along the Balkan Route.


Regarding the other key priority of the government – Bulgaria’s accession to the Eurozone – the Prime Minister noted that it is not just technical shape that is important. It is equally important that people understand that the adoption of the Euro will not cause any turbulence given the Currency Board arrangement in Bulgaria where the national currency has been pegged to the European currency for 25 years now.


Bulgaria is awaiting the Commission’s official say on the nominations for a commissioner from Bulgaria. At today’s meeting with the President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen the Prime Minister was thanked for the Bulgarian government’s two nominations as both nominees deserve praise.


In an answer to a media question Acad. Nikolai Denkov confirmed that Defense Minister Todor Tagarev had already stated Bulgaria’s wish to join the Collaborative Procurement of Ammunition of the European Defense Agency (EDA) in relation to the war in Ukraine. This is important for Bulgaria’s defense industry, the Prime Minister said.


Finance Minister Assen Vassilev attended the Prime Minister’s meetings with Charles Michel and Ursula von der Leyen.