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“There are no unresolved issues between Bulgaria and the Czech Republic, we have a great friendship,” Prime Minister Boyko Borissov said after his meeting with Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babis. The two had a working meeting in Sofia, whereby they discussed the issue of migrants in the EU, the enlargement of the Schengen area and the development of the Union after Brexit.


Babis expressed the position that the Dublin regulations do not function well and create divisions in Europe. Borissov underlined the importance of finding a pragmatic solution to the migration issue. According to him, one way of addressing the problem is for refugees to cross EU borders only through official border checkpoints. He called for work through diplomatic means to support the peace process in the countries of origin of the refugees, which will help for their return. The Bulgarian Prime Minister also proposed the establishment of refugee security centers outside the EU. Borissov additionally noted that the agreement with Turkey plays important role in resolving the migration issue and should be extended.


Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babis said it was important for Europe to reflect upon the Schengen area. “We do not understand why Greece is in Schengen, but Bulgaria, Romania and Croatia are not,” said Babis. He welcomed the measures undertaken by the government in counteracting irregular migration, in sound protection of the EU's external borders, as well as the agreement between Bulgaria and Turkey, which functions and brings results.


On the issue of Britain's withdrawal from the EU, Babis expressed the view that the Bulgarian EU Presidency will allow smaller member states to express their views more clearly and to protect the rights of their citizens.


The two Prime Ministers also drew attention to the upcoming Summit on a Uniform Food Standard to be held during the Bulgarian Presidency of the Council of the EU. Babis and Borissov agreed on the importance of the subject, whereby action should be taken.