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Our Presidency slogan was "United we stand strong," the Austrian is "Europe that protects", and we can only protect ourselves when we are united, said Prime Minister Boyko Borissov at the symbolic handing over of the Presidency of the Council of the EU to his Austrian counterpart Sebastian Kurtz. He pointed out that Austria takes over the leadership of the European Union in difficult times and thanked for the good cooperation during the Bulgarian Presidency. "I am glad that throughout the Presidency of Bulgaria we had a continuous dialogue with Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurtz on all topics and priorities. Bulgaria will always be ready to help,” the Prime Minister said.

"Austria wants to be a country that builds bridges. We want to work for a very strong European Union,” said Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurtz. He pointed out that Austria is honored to take over the important role of the Presidency of the Council of the EU and that it will work for a secure and united Europe. "We will work very intensively during these six months. Thank you, Boyko, for the wonderful work Bulgaria has done during its Presidency,” the Austrian Chancellor also added.

European Council President Donald Tusk welcomed the start of the Austrian Presidency and stressed that Bulgaria has done a lot of work in a short period of time. He thanked for the efforts of our country and for Prime Minister Boyko Borissov's personal commitment to the priority on the Western Balkans. Tusk expressed confidence that the Austrian Presidency will build on what has been achieved so far.