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Prime Minister Glavchev and Bulgarian delegation join the feast of Zograf Monastery in Mount Athos


Prime Minister Dimitar Glavchev and the Bulgarian delegation joined the feast of the Zograf Monastery St. George the Great Martyr in Mount Athos (Sveta Gora). The service was attended by several hundred worshippers from Greece, Bulgaria, the Republic of North Macedonia, Serbia, Romania, among other countries. As the tradition bids, the Devine Service started last night after sunset and continued all night and closed in the morning with an one-hour long solemn procession for which the Arabian miracle-working icon of St. George was brought out. Prime Minister Dimitar Glavchev red the Creed during the service of the Holy Prayer.


On behalf of the entire Bulgarian delegation, Prime Minister Dimitar Glavchev thanked for the invitation to attend the feast. “Humility and patience are most important. I thank you for the welcome given; we feel special here. We thank you for the efforts that you dedicate to this holy place and for what you do to save and advance the Orthodox faith and Bulgarian history and traditions,” Dimitar Glavchev said. The Prime Minister assured that the Bulgarian government would continue to help sustain the monastery and its lands.


The Bulgarian delegation visited the monastery library and learned about its eventful history.